Use the force young brides...

I am often surprised how few brides (and grooms for that matter) actually take advantage of the almost Jedi-like power they have over the wedding party. These people, for the most part, are there to make your day easier/fun/romantic/exciting/memorable and in general, great. That means they are usually willing to do just about anything to achieve those goals.

In the case of David and Blanchie's wedding at Cypress Grove Park, the bridesmaids were instructed by Blanchie to really go for it when it came to the bouquet toss. She wanted action. She wanted bridesmaids airborne, hair flying, faces clenched in rapt concentration and she wanted all of this captured by me. While they all may not have given it their absolute all, one of them promised to... and clearly delivered. This girl not only promised to go for it, but actually got higher off the ground than most NBA players. She's gotta be clearing 2 feet (or at least in a bright, shiny blue dress it seems like she is) and for sure gave Blanchie the memory and photograph she really wanted at her wedding. I managed to fire at the right moment and the rest is history, a portfolio piece... and a favorite picture of the bride.

The moral to this story is that if you have any fun ideas, any shots that you just want to try, don't just tell me, tell your people. Tell the best man or maid of honor and have them get the troops ready. Make sure everyone is on board because I'm here to tell you that they are probably game for whatever you have cooked up. They're probably not entirely comfortable in those dresses or suits/tuxes anyway so why not go all the way :)